Fertilization Services: Promote healthy growth with our fertilization treatments!



is a common term that describes a group of elements, that grass plants require, in order to stimulate growth. Besides these naturally occurring ingredients in the soil, there are also other trace elements crucial for proper growth and strong root development. The important nutrients that are needed for optimal growth and appearance, are quickly depleted, by fast growing grass. In time, these deficiencies begin showing results in, thinning lawns of poor color, an increase in various types of weeds, insect infestations, and even lawn diseases. Remember, just as you can’t go long without eating, a lawn can’t thrive without proper fertilization.

Having a fertilized lawn

prevents unwanted weeds, pesky insects, and undesirable diseases from attacking your lawn. Lawn fertilizer also improves the root system as well as the color and thickness of grass blades. Aside from keeping turf grass healthy, it’s also beneficial to the environment because healthy grass plants produce oxygen. Even though nutrients are already present in the soil, fertilizer has other important nutrients, such as nitrogen and potassium, that a lawn also requires in order to stay healthy and stimulate plant growth and development.

Selecting the proper feeding times

applying the right amount, and diagnosing your lawns current condition are also crucial factors in order to get the best results, for a healthy green lawn. We do this by developing an annual timetable for nutrition and treatment. Since every lawn is different, the amount of fertilizer to apply to your lawn should be determined by a soil test. In addition, climate, temperature, and watering are key factors that must be considered for the proper nutrition for your lawn. Our fully trained and licensed technicians, provide a well balanced diet of nutrients and important trace elements, designed to gradually feed your lawn over a long period of time.

Our licensed professionals at Bio Lawn, use the safest methods to protect your family, pets, and the environment. The best way to find out the program that best fits your lawns needs, is to request a complimentary consultation. We will have our lawn technician physically walk your lawn, to diagnose it and get a feel for what it needs in order to improve. We will then follow up with you to discuss your lawns condition, answer any questions that you may have and find the best program suitable for your lawn.

Contact Us

Bio Lawn LLC P.O. Box 641 Vienna, VA 22183




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